Friday, February 1, 2013

Trying to be the big man on your college campus?

Every student in college, that is attempting to be a bodybuilder, wants to be the biggest and strongest person in the gym in college. Well a great man named Steve Cook has the answer. You may have seen him on once or twice. Cook is a spokes model, Optimum Nutrition athlete and IFBB Pro Men's Physique Competitor.  Cook took time out of his busy life to compose this great training program.

(The man himself (Steve Cook), just chillin')

I have seen outstanding results in just 6 weeks of the 12 week trainer. I have also seen other people in my gym doing the same routine and have heard nothing but great things.

Being a college graduate Cook understands this is an exciting and new area to explore in a young adult's life. Naturally this program is called Big Man on Campus, because it is directed toward a college students, and has so much insight to offer. First of all there is five sections: nutrition, supplementation, goal setting, time management and life style.  The five sections are meant to break down the complicated life of a college student. Cook discusses in short videos (6-10 minutes) what you can expect being a college student and building muscle.

As I am currently enrolled in college, I thought to myself, "eh...I am on campus, why not try and be the big man?" 

The first week I was sore, very sore. I introduced my body to something I have done before but haven't done in a while, dropsets.  A drop set is, using heavier weight to get to a point of failure, then picking up a lighter weight, and doing the same exercise to failure. For example, you are doing an incline dumbell press with 70 pound dumbells, you get to 10 reps and you can't do any more.  Here is where the fun starts, pick up a weight that is 30-50 percent lighter, so lets say 45 pound dumbells and try to match that rep range immediately after you put down the 70's. Sound easy right?

The idea is simple, just keep going. One thing I want to stress is form.  You can do dropsets till your arms fall off, but if your not hitting the muscles the right way you won't see a change or feel the pump where you want.  Remember from before, the strech, then a contraction? Keep that in mind and have that mind muscle connection on the specific muscle group.

There is more to this program and all you need to do it take the time and watch the videos it's a lot to write out and explain.  Cook does a great job of stressing the importance that this is a lifestyle change and everything needs to be in check.  From your nutrition, training, supplementation, time management and life choices, Cook understands the college life and makes it all clear and easy to follow.

I have taken tips from this that I will alway remember as a progress further not only into the sport of bodybuilding, but in life.

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